The proposed fee hikes will substantially increase the cost of naturalization applications for intercountry adoptees plus eliminate the ability to apply if you lack the financial resources to do so.
Latest News
A Little Holiday Help for an Adoptee?
A fee of $1,170.00 is the only thing that stands between my client obtaining proof of her US citizenship. That’s where you can help.
Meanwhile, a Few Canadians Didn’t Get the Memo
The Prince Edward Island bill is bait and switch legislation built on top of a toxic electrified fence intended to constrain adoptees. Don’t touch it.
New York’s Equal Rights Law: FAQ
Updated answers and questions about New York’s newly enacted adoptee rights law, which Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed on November 14, 2019.
California Intercountry Adoptee Bill Unfortunately Falls Short
California passed a bill last week that may ultimately fail to address the need to finalize some intercountry adoptions in the United States
A Better Place for the Adoptee DNA Project
As of August 1, 2019, the DNA Kit Donation program and its current funds have been transferred to Adoptees United, a national charitable nonprofit organization.
Updated Info about New York’s Equal Rights Bill
An updated list of questions and answers about the Weprin/Montgomery Bill, which was finally passed in the New York Assembly on June 20, 2019
The Presence of a Man
Demand that Connecticut Senators reject the “Somers Amendment,” a backwards approach that literally requires the presence of a man to release an adoptee’s own vital record.
Texas Has Defied Expectations. Or Has It?
Will Texas HB2725 continue to defy expectations? That’s less and less clear.
The Kafkaesque Case of James Christian Werthmann
I’m not the first person to conjure up Kafka as a way to describe James Werthmann’s case. The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recognized the absurdity immediately.