On July 1, 2024 Minnesota became the fifteenth state in the United States to affirm or restore the right of all adopted people to request and obtain their own original birth certificates (OBC). Here’s what the new law does plus how Minnesota-born adoptees and their families can apply for a copy of the OBC.
Does this mean I can now get a copy of my own original birth certificate in Minnesota?
Yes. The new law is now effective. Like, right now. 🙂
Does the new law apply to all adopted people born in Minnesota?
Yes. All Minnesota-born adopted people, who are at least 18 years of age, have an unrestricted right to request and obtain their own original birth certificates, no matter the date of birth or the date of adoption. The new law eliminated almost all of the red tape associated with a request for your own birth record. Adult adopted people now apply for the OBC directly through the Minnesota Department of Health. The heart of the new law is contained in these provisions and may actually answer most of your initial questions:
The state registrar must provide to an adopted person who is 18 years of age or older or a person related to the adopted person a copy of the adopted person’s original birth record and any evidence of the adoption previously filed with the state registrar.
How old do I have to be to request my own OBC?
You must be 18 years of age or older to request your own OBC.
Who else can apply for the OBC other than the adopted person?
The law also allows for “a person related to the adopted person” to apply for the adoptee’s original birth record so long as the adopted person is deceased. The law defines a “person related to the adopted person” as a “spouse, child, or grandchild of an adopted person” as well as the legal representative of the adopted person. The spouse, child, or grandchild must be at least 18 years of age.
Do all descendants of a deceased adoptee have a right to request a copy of their ancestor’s original birth record?
No. This law applies only to the adult children or grandchildren of the deceased adopted person and not to all descendants. Another part of the bill, however, provides that “[d]ata pertaining to the birth of a child that are not accessible to the public become public data if 100 years have elapsed since the birth of the child.” This provision, which is new, will make birth records of adopted people publicly available 100 years after their births (previous law, which this law changes, made records available 100 years after the date of the finalized adoption, which often made it difficult for many people to determine the actual date when records would become available).
How and where do I apply?
You apply to the Minnesota Department of Health to obtain a copy of the original birth record.
What other documents or information could I receive when I apply for the original birth record?
You will likely receive several documents, though it depends on the circumstances of your adoption and whether a birthparent has filed any forms prior to your request for the record. In addition to a copy of the original birth record, you may also receive:
- “evidence of the adoption previously filed with the State Registrar.” This almost always includes the order or report of adoption issued by a court after an adoption is finalized. What you receive as “evidence of the adoption” may vary depending on the year of the adoption, as documentation and other requirements in adoptions changed over the years.
- a birthparent contact preference form that a birthparent may have filed;
- information about the existence of an unrevoked consent to disclosure or of an affidavit of nondisclosure, including the name of the birthparent who filed the consent or affidavit. If a birthparent authorized the release of the birthparent’s address through a previously filed consent form, that information may also be provided.
I thought the law eliminates the use of consent and denial forms in releasing information and birth records. Does the law eliminate the use of those forms?
Yes, the new law eliminates the use of consent forms or affidavits of nondisclosure (sometimes called disclosure vetoes). They are no longer effective after June 30, 2024, and they do not control or limit the release of an adopted person’s original birth record. While you may receive information that a birthparent previously filed a disclosure veto, you will still receive a copy of the original birth record.
What is a contact preference form and how does that affect the release of the original birth certificate?
A contact preference form allows a parent listed on the original birth record to express a preference for any contact with the adopted person or the adopted person’s descendants. The form has has three choices, and none of the choices will impact the release of the original birth record. Those three choices include:
- I would like to be contacted.
- I would prefer to be contacted only through an intermediary.
- I prefer not to be contacted at this time. If I decide later that I would like to be contacted, I will submit an updated contact preference form to the Minnesota Department of Health.
In addition, the contact preference form “shall include space where the birth parent may include information that the birth parent feels is important for the adopted person to know.”
When will birthparent contact preference forms be available to file?
They are already available. The Minnesota Department of Health met its deadline to make birthparent contact preference forms available for filing by August 1, 2023. A press release announcing the availability of the contact preference form is here. The form itself can be found and downloaded here:
How much does it cost to apply for the original birth certificate?
It will cost $40, which includes the fee for the record ($13) plus the fee for three searches for the various potential additional records (contact preference form; adoption-related documents; and any previously filed birthparent disclosure forms).
Can I apply for the OBC online?
As of July 1, 2024, an online application is not available. The form must be mailed or faxed to the Minnesota Department of Health.
How long will it take to get the copy of the original birth certificate?
I do not yet have an estimate on this, though the law provides that “[a]ll procedures, fees, and waiting periods applicable to a nonadopted person’s request for a copy of a birth record apply in the same manner as requests” made by adopted people. Typically, however, it may take slightly longer for issuance of a copy of the original birth record because of the need to match the original record with the amended record and to provide any other documents that accompany the record (e.g., a birthparent contact preference form). It may also take considerably longer for applications filed as soon as the law changes on July 1. This is simply because of the number of applications typically filed once the OBC is available.
Will any information on the original birth record be changed or removed?
No. The law does not allow for anyone to change or remove information from the original birth record.
Will I get a certified copy of the original birth certificate?
No, the copy of the original birth record will not be certified. The law also specifically provides that “the copy of the original birth certificate shall clearly indicate that it may not be used for identification purposes.”
Does this new law have any impact on intercountry adoptees?
Yes. A specific provision in the law makes it easier for intercountry adoptees to obtain records related to their adoptions, if the adoption was finalized in Minnesota and a certificate of foreign birth was also issued. The law will provide for release of the order of adoption, a certificate of adoption, or a decree issued in the adoption, as filed with the state registrar. This may make it easier for intercountry adoptees to secure specific adoption-related records necessary to prove or secure US citizenship, rather than requiring a court petition to obtain the necessary records.
Is there a state or other group involved with this new law?
Yes. The Minnesota Coalition for Adoption Reform (MCAR) has been working on this issue diligently for 25 years or more. In the last few years, Adoptee Rights Law Center was instrumental in drafting the legislation and working closely with MCAR to lobby for the new law. There are many people to thank for their decades of work on this.
Where can I read the text of the new law?
You can find the relevant portions of the law here as a PDF, which is a portion of the much larger bill (SF2995) that contained these adoptee rights provisions. My Minnesota page will also be updated to reflect language in the new law.
Will you be updating this FAQ when necessary?
Yes, I will update this FAQ as more information becomes available or if information changes or needs correction based on what I currently understand about implementation of the new law. Check the updated date at the top of this page.
I recently published Everything You Need to Know about Minnesota’s New Law, which has more information available.
Have you updated your map yet?

US OBC Rights 2024
thank you so much for this write up with the exciting new change in OBC law. As an adoptee myself, I was hoping it would change in my lifetime. My wise father hid an attached OBC in my adoption file, and my (deceased) brother’s, too. We were LSS babies. It helped me to track my birth mother and her family, so that we could meet.
A number of my friends growing up were also adopted and very much want their OBCs for various reasons, including identity, integration, and healing.
Is there any codification of this legislation by the Revisor’s office? Or is it just part of the larger bill that you mentioned? Because it’s effective in 2014, and not August 1 this year, I would like to know where that stands.
Thank you for your important work, and this exciting update.
Faith Amdahl. JD
Thank you for the article and your work to be done to allow adoptees to be able to obtain an original birth certificate.
I am an adoptee through LCC and had obtained some information a while back but have always wanted to know more. I will wait till next July for the availability however if I want to do it sooner are there costs involved, and do I have to hire an attorney?
If you want to seek a court order to get the original birth record (and possibly additional records), you could contact me directly by email at [email protected] to set up a time to talk. You don’t need an attorney but I would recommend one in these cases.
Thank you for responding. I’m comfortable to wait till July 2024 to get the information. The birth parents are both deceased and It’s just curiosity that I have.
I will follow up on this next year.
Thank you!
This website has given me and my father hope, my father’s mother was adopted. We hope to obtain her OBC to find her side of the family, My grandmother was native but she alway’s hoped to find her birth parents and family. Thank you for the information about the new laws 🙏🏽
Thank you for helping to make this possible. Having this document will confirm what I already know from my research. Once I have this confirmation, will it allow me to get the OBC of my Birth Parents , both of whom have passed away?
It will largely depend on the state of their births. Some states (like Minnesota and California) have birth records that are available to the public (except for adoptee birth records). Other states may require you to show a legal connection to the person whose record you are seeking. It’s a little complicated to do that if there was an intervening adoption, but again it will depend on the state that holds the birth records.
I am curious about adoptees that were in child protection. Will they have access to the court records that but the case against the birth parents? That could be emotionally damaging to these kids.
The new law applies primarily to original birth records of adult adopted people and does not provide for unrestricted release of court adoption records. Former foster youth who aged out and were never adopted have the right to their own birth records, which were not sealed, and certain rights to foster care court records. This law does not impact those records.