I’m a fairly private person but my life story is often far more open and distributed across social media. I’ve been on three podcasts over the last few weeks, and on each one I have shared my personal story, not only for context but also as a way to amplify adoptee rights and the importance of legal and legislative advocacy.
So, to celebrate my birthday today (I’m 58!), I have a simple and quick request: buy me a cup of coffee. But not really. Here’s the deal.
Contribute the cost of a really nice cup of coffee to Adoptees United Inc. (maybe the cardamom latte from my favorite local coffee shop, where I’m sitting right now). While I won’t actually get a sip of coffee or a dime of money, your contribution will 1) be tax deductible; and 2) support the work we’re doing at Adoptees United to build legal resources and to institute policy and legislative changes for adult adopted people.

Any amount is welcome, and I’ve even set out the “cost” of various coffee drinks you can pick from below, or create your own concoction. Again, the money goes to Adoptees United—not to me—so don’t worry that I will personally benefit. I can actually afford my own yummy cardamom latte at this point in my life. 🙂 Cheers!
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