More than 200 people joined state, national, and international adoptee-rights and adoption-reform organizations to say no to SB1831/HB2921.
FAQ: U.S. Citizenship and Intercountry Adoptees
Information about issues concerning US citizenship and intercountry adoptees, including how federal legislation could resolve those issues.
Sign Up: National Week of Action
Take action—a full week of action. I’m launching a National Week of Action and encouraging you—my friends, allies, and colleagues—to join me.
Iowa’s New Redaction Law: FAQ
Where things stand today and how Iowa’s HF855 will work if it is ultimately enacted and implemented.
The 5 Most Pernicious Myths about Adult Adopted People
Myths, stereotypes, and tropes that are used to demonize or demean adult adopted people like me, with a focus on adoptees in the United States.
Let’s Rise for Rhode Island
If you are involved in adoptee rights work or in adoption reform, please sign on to support Rhode Island SB250/HB6189.
Legislation: Where We Stand, What You Can Do
As we move into a critical period in many state legislative sessions—and as the U.S. Congress essentially moves forward with a new session—here’s where we stand and what all of us can do today.
What Works, What’s Broken, and Who Bears the Cost
How current U.S. immigration law has failed intercountry adoptees.
The (Ongoing) Truth About Florida
This time, I will jump in a frozen Minnesota lake and donate $500 to charity if I am wrong.
Bill Actions for the First Week of March
Bills in Arizona, Idaho, and Tennessee are up for consideration in committee this week, plus bills in Iowa and Mississippi are facing critical deadlines.