Important pieces are missing from the story being told about the adoption and immigration issues for Haitian adoptee Jonas Hubley.
It’s My Birthday. How About a Cup of Coffee?
To celebrate my birthday, why not donate the cost of a really nice cup of coffee to Adoptees United Inc. It’s easy.
Third Annual Adoptee Rights National Week of Action
The third annual Adoptee Rights National Week of Action. Take action and join me and others to make positive change for adoptees rights.
Another Coalition, This Time for Michigan
Adoptee Rights Law Center is proud to be part of another state-level adoptee rights coalition, this time dedicated to repealing a discriminatory birth record law in Michigan.
What To Know About Minnesota’s New Law: A FAQ
What the new Minnesota law does, plus how and when adult adoptees and their families can apply for a copy of the OBC.
We Did It!
Thanks to all who pitched in for this effort. Collectively we raised $2,700, more than our goal.
The Byzantine Bill Known as AB1302
A California bill known as AB1302 is a bureaucrat’s nightmare, or maybe it’s a real joy if you prefer a bundle of red tape and a meaningless, outdated government fixation on paper shuffling and secrecy.
South Dakota’s Equal Rights Law: A FAQ
What South Dakota’s new law does, plus how adopted people can now apply for copies of their own original birth records.
YIKES! Hot Mess of a Bill in California
A newly-introduced and unexpected bill in California is a hot mess. It preserves court involvement plus creates new rights of redaction for birthparents. Here’s what you need to know and what you can do to help.
We Can Do This (Because We Must)
What’s to do after Congress failed yet again to fix US citizenship for intercountry adoptees? Our own work.