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CURRENT AND ONGOING: US Citizenship for Intercountry Adoptees
Who Should Take Action: Everyone
Background and Issue
The Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2024 is a critical piece of federal legislation that closes a discriminatory loophole in US immigration law, one that denies U.S. citizenship to thousands of intercountry adoptees who decades ago were legally adopted by U.S. citizen parents. The loophole relates primarily to the age of the adoptee—denying citizenship to those born prior to February 27, 1983. It remains a critical piece of legislation that must be enacted this Congressional session.
Action Needed
Contact your US Representative today to request their support or to thank them for sponsoring the Adoptee Citizenship Act. Ask your representative to make US citizenship for all intercountry adoptees a reality, no matter the adoptee’s date of birth. Suggested language and a list of US Representatives is here (or click on the button below). I encourage every person to contact their own Representatives to express support for this crucial equal rights bill.
Resource: Adoptees United Legislative Tracking
Adoptees United Inc. provides analysis of pending legislation as well as constant updates on active bills. Click on a state with an active bill (marked by dark blue) for more information or go to the page that provides updates on federal legislation impacting adult adopted people, which is also listed on the AU website.

2023 Legislation