The Build Back Better bill contains provisions that could help millions of undocumented people, including some intercountry adoptees, though its impact is limited.
Latest News
My Name is Monica Ross
I need your support to get the Adoptee Citizenship Act enacted. Support me and the thousands of other intercountry adoptees who are in the same situation.
Utah’s Discriminatory Law: FAQ
How Utah’s new law will work, or more likely not work, for Utah-born adoptees who want their own original birth certificates.
How Adjusting the ‘Immigration Registry’ Could Help Intercountry Adoptees
A tweak to the ‘immigration registry’ could help millions of undocumented people, including many intercountry adoptees. Here’s how it would work.
How to Get Your Original Birth Certificate in Florida
A resource for the hundreds of Florida adoptees who contact me and want to know how to get their own original birth certificates.
Connecticut’s Equal Rights Law: FAQ
What Connecticut’s new law does and how adopted people and their descendants may apply for an original birth certificate.
38 Organizations Say No to Discriminatory Arizona Bills
More than 200 people joined state, national, and international adoptee-rights and adoption-reform organizations to say no to SB1831/HB2921.
FAQ: U.S. Citizenship and Intercountry Adoptees
Information about issues concerning US citizenship and intercountry adoptees, including how federal legislation could resolve those issues.
Sign Up: National Week of Action
Take action—a full week of action. I’m launching a National Week of Action and encouraging you—my friends, allies, and colleagues—to join me.
Iowa’s New Redaction Law: FAQ
Where things stand today and how Iowa’s HF855 will work if it is ultimately enacted and implemented.