We is almost always exclusive, and it is defined by those who speak it. Who are “we” overlooking in adoptee rights?
Latest News
A Year of Donated DNA Test Kits
Whatever identity you have worn or celebrated or endured during this past November of “adoption” awareness, please consider donating a bit to assist adult adoptees with DNA.
Midterms and Adoptee Rights
As part of an upcoming gathering of national and local adoptee rights advocates in Austin, Texas, I am putting together resources on what to expect from key states after upcoming midterm elections.
Open Letter to Florida Representative Richard Stark
I ask that you support this proposed legislation and that you decline to introduce legislation that fails to provide adult adoptees with the unrestricted right to obtain their own OBCs.
Me and States and Stuff
Where we stand with state OBC laws, what I’m seeing and working on, and where things may be going from here.
Getting an Arkansas Original Birth Certificate
Discussion, questions, and a flow chart to help people understand how the new Arkansas OBC law works as well as its discriminatory limitations.
The Law Known as “Indiana”
Indiana law is so complicated for adult adopted people who just want a copy of their own original birth certificate that only a flowchart can illustrate how it’s supposed to be done.
What Equality Could Like in New York
In order to settle questions and rumors, I’ve laid out some quick answers to what I’ve seen, heard, and been privy to with current New York adoptee rights legislation.
Action Alert: Contact South Carolina Senators
South Carolina’s expensive and discriminatory H.3775 is headed for a Senate vote. Contact senators and ask them to vote No.
What This Bad Bill Does
The bill will shift the law in South Carolina and give birthparents silent veto rights over an adoptee’s original birth certificate—typically not allowing release, if at all, until well after 2030.