I often reach out on behalf of adopted people who encounter temporary crises, partially if not largely solved by financial assistance that our community can provide. This time it is a colleague, friend, and intercountry adopted person who is struggling financially after a huge hit to her resources.

As of November 4, 2024
We have raised $938 so far, with $562 to go. The needs still exist (her phone was recently cut off for arrears) so please consider a donation to close the gap.
November 4, 2024 (Updated)
Dear Friends and Supporters:
A friend, colleague, and advocate—who is also an transnational adopted/displaced person—has sought my help. She is a well-known advocate who also works with adopted people on mental health issues, often related to adoption. As she wrote to me to ask about a possible mutual aid effort:
I had a car repair and then I lost half of the benefits I was receiving each month, and the expectation when I checked had been that they would continue. I’m now looking at $2,500 less each month. This stable income had allowed me to work building my business and work on a sliding scale. I am working to figure out what I’m going to do. I am now starting the month in the negative. I really didn’t want to have to ask as I’m the one usually fundraising but I really don’t have any fallback. I appreciate any help.
I am withholding her name at her request and to respect her privacy, As I always promise when I send out these mutual aid efforts, I hope you trust that this is a real need for a real person who is facing a financial or other crisis.
Please pitch in. I always want to assure that a person who is a friend and advocate can continue important work while at the same time securing necessary day-to-day resources. Our goal is to raise $1,500, and we have only $562 to go.
Thank you.
PS: You can always check the status of the fundraising here, which began on September 6.