ACTION NEEDED TODAY: Contact your U.S. Representative and US Senators in Michigan. Ask them to support the Adoptee Citizenship Act.
Background. The Adoptee Citizenship Act has been reintroduced in Congress. It amends U.S. immigration law to repeal a loophole that has operated to deny U.S. citizenship to thousands of intercountry adoptees who were adopted by U.S. citizen parents decades ago. While many people presume that children adopted by U.S. citizen parents receive automatic U.S. citizenship when they are adopted, this is not true for all intercountry adoptees. Many are now adults and still do not have U.S. citizenship through their adoptive parents.Many are now adults and do not have U.S. citizenship—and some have been deported. The Adoptee Citizenship Act aims to fix issues that intercountry adoptees continue to have today in trying to secure U.S. citizenship.
Action: Contact Your U.S. Congressional Elected Officials
We need your help. Help us convince Congressional representatives to support an important and life-saving bill. Read on to learn how to contact your Congressional representatives and what to say.
FAQ. If you need a more thorough breakdown of the issue and where we are today, updates and a FAQ are here.
Contact Your U.S. Congressional Representatives Today
Contact Your US Representative and Senators Today. If you don’t know who represents you, get that information here.
Call or email their offices and indicate that you support fixing US citizenship for intercountry adoptees who lack citizenship. Explain the reasons why fixing this problem is overdue and why it is important to you. Finally, ask their office to support the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2024, which is currently pending in Congress. Here is a sample message:
I live in [town/city]. I am your constituent. I ask that you support the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2024, recently re-introduced in Congress. This bill would provide US citizenship for all intercountry adopted people brought to the United States through adoption. Too many intercountry adoptees today still lack US citizenship because of a loophole in current law. It’s time to fix this loophole. Please let me know that I have your support for the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2024.
To send an email, click on the Go link next to the contact information. You should receive a contact form that the representative’s or senator’s office uses (and most forms will ask you to enter your address to verify that you are a constituent). Use that form to provide your opinion on US citizenship for all intercountry adoptees and why it is important to you as a constituent that the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2024 be enacted. Make sure you ask them to support the bill and to let you know their position on the bill.
Don’t remember who represents you? All of the US Congressional representatives representing Michigan are listed below. Still don’t know who your specific representative is? Get that information here.
Contact Information/Links
U.S. Senators (Michigan)
Name | Party | Phone | Contact |
Elissa Slotkin | D | (202) 224-4822 | Go |
Gary C. Peters | D | (202) 224-6221 | Go |
U.S. Representatives (Michigan)
Rep | District | Phone | Contact |
Jack Bergman (R) | 1 | (202) 225-4735 | Go |
John R. Moolenaar (R) | 2 | (202) 225-3561 | Go |
Hillary J. Scholten (D) | 3 | (202) 225-3831 | Go |
Bill Huizenga (R) | 4 | (202) 225-4401 | Go |
Tim Walberg (R) | 5 | (202) 225-6276 | Go |
Debbie Dingell (D) | 6 | (202) 225-3611 | Go |
Tom Barrett (R) | 7 | (202) 225-4872 | Go |
Kristen McDonald Rivet (D) | 8 | (202) 225-3611 | Go |
Lisa C. McClain (R) | 9 | (202) 225-2106 | Go |
John James (R) | 10 | (202) 225-4961 | Go |
Haley M. Stevens (D) | 11 | (202) 225-8171 | Go |
Rashida Tlaib (D) | 12 | (202) 225-5126 | Go |
Shri Thanedar (D) | 13 | (202) 225-5802 | Go |
Bonus: Tweet a Focused Message
Find your Michigan Congressional representative and senators below and copy and paste the suggested tweet into your Twitter/X feed. Edit it however you wish and add an image if you want.
U.S. Senators (Michigan)
Sen. Peters (@SenGaryPeters): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including Michiganders, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Sen. Stabenow (@SenStabenow): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including Michiganders, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
U.S. Representatives (Michigan)
Rep. Bergman (@RepJackBergman): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Rep. Dingell (@RepDebDingell): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Rep. Huizenga (@RepHuizenga): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Rep. James (@RepJames): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Rep. Kildee (@RepDanKildee): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Rep. McClain (@RepLisaMcClain): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Rep. Moolenaar (@RepMoolenaar): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Rep. Scholten (@RepScholten): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Rep. Slotkin (@RepSlotkin): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Rep. Stevens (@RepHaleyStevens): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Rep. Thanedar (@RepShriThanedar): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Rep. Tlaib (@RepRashida): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.
Rep. Walberg (@RepWalberg): thousands of intercountry adoptees, including your constituents, lack US citizenship today, despite being adopted as children by US citizen parents. Support the Adoptee Citizenship Act, which fixes this.