A resource for intercountry adoptees to obtain their own immigration records through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
Latest News
Testimony in Favor of Louisiana HB450
Written testimony of Adoptee Rights Law Center in favor of Louisiana HB450, submitted to the Senate Judiciary A Committee.
Vermont’s Equal Rights Law: A FAQ
How Vermont-born adoptees and their descendants can apply for copies of the adoptee’s own original birth certificate. A FAQ.
Should I Wait for Congress? Or Should I Naturalize Now?
Two key questions I often discuss with intercountry adoptee clients who do not have US citizenship.
VETO Idaho SB1320
Register your opposition to Idaho SB1320 and ask Governor Brad Little for his veto of the bill.
Opposition to Idaho SB1320
Idaho has a deeply flawed bill that undermines adoptee rights. It’s time to write to House committee members to request a NO vote.
“Dear Ms. Birth mother”
Wisconsin’s Adoption Records Search Program is like a de facto extension of government tracking and surveillance, with birthparents its primary target.
Latest on Citizenship for Intercountry Adoptees
A stripped down version of the Adoptee Citizenship Act has passed the House. But it’s not the actual ACA. It’s now an amendment to a much larger and unrelated bill.
What’s New in 2022
Current numbers, an updated state map, and more info on each of the state legislative changes that developed over the past year. It’s what’s new in 2022.
Arizona’s New Donut Hole Law: FAQ
The Arizona legislature enacted a new law in 2021 that blasted a hole into the middle of adoptee rights in the state. Whether you call that hole a gap, a pie hole, or a donut hole (as I do), it creates two unequal classes of adopted people in the state.