A list of OBC access bills that are still alive in the 2017 session, plus bills that may have come and gone and are now either dead or barely hanging on.
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The Long and Costly Tail of Compromise
Forty years ago, Minnesota enacted the nation’s first compromised system of access to original birth certificates. The damage continues today.
The High Price of Nope
The security and legal structures surrounding access to original birth certificates are immense, complex, confusing, and humiliating, specifically for adult adoptees who are forced to maneuver through such systems.
The OBC Tracker Project
I’m initiating a project today to collect stories and facts about the adoptee experience in getting what’s rightfully theirs. Including stories of people who don’t want to request anything.
I am NOT an Adoption Attorney
An adoptee-rights lawyer works for one thing: securing civil and legal rights for adult adoptees.
Interactive Map of OBC Access
As part of a 50-state review, I created a map to illustrate where access to an original birth certificate is unrestricted, conditionally restricted, or completely restricted.
When an Adoption Agency Goes Belly Up
Independent Adoption Center, which operated in at least eight states, recently went bankrupt. What happens to its adoption records? We sent letters to find out.