When you fact-check claims of anonymous people who tell adoptees to swallow inequality, the decision is easy. No to HB357. It’s yet another disaster.
Opposition Mounts Against Florida ‘Adoptee Rights’ Bill
Adoptees and more than two dozen state and national organizations oppose Florida’s HB357, a badly flawed anti-equality bill
When Something is Nothing and Nothing is Something
Florida’s HB357 creates an inequitable two-class system of OBC access that requires a forty year period to pass after an adoption before most adoptees can obtain original birth certificates upon request.
What’s at Stake: Florida
If proposed legislation in Florida does not preserve a clean and unrestricted right to an OBC, then it will strip away rights from those who have already held them for decades.
Adoptee rights and Florida law, with a focus on original birth certificates, court records, descendants, and adult adoption.