The third annual Adoptee Rights National Week of Action. Take action and join me and others to make positive change for adoptees rights.
The Byzantine Bill Known as AB1302
A California bill known as AB1302 is a bureaucrat’s nightmare, or maybe it’s a real joy if you prefer a bundle of red tape and a meaningless, outdated government fixation on paper shuffling and secrecy.
YIKES! Hot Mess of a Bill in California
A newly-introduced and unexpected bill in California is a hot mess. It preserves court involvement plus creates new rights of redaction for birthparents. Here’s what you need to know and what you can do to help.
California Intercountry Adoptee Bill Unfortunately Falls Short
California passed a bill last week that may ultimately fail to address the need to finalize some intercountry adoptions in the United States
Adoptee rights and California law, focusing on original birth certificates, court records, descendants, and adult adoption.